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There is a Place like Greece at Home

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A Dream That has
Been Cooking for Years

A dream long time overdue, finally here is crystalized in this happy reality. We are extremely thankful for being right here, right now, today. We jealously prepare every food item with the upmost care and attention to detail, flavor, ingredients and recipes. We are here to satisfy our most important person: YOU

We hope to see you soon in our restaurant or hear from you in our phone and online ordering systems.  

Thank You!

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Meat and Chicken Souvlaki_edited.jpg
Greek Food
Roasted Veggie Wrap
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Mexican Food
Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη
Του σπαθιού την τρομερή,
Σε γνωρίζω από την όψη,
Που με βιά μετράει τη γη.
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Απ’ τα κόκκαλα βγαλμένηΤων Ελλήνων τα ιερά,𝄆 Και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη,Χαίρε, ω χαίρε, ελευθεριά!
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